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New caves in 2024

Bernard Thomachot keeps an up-to-date table in which he lists the new cavities, notes those located in France and those that have been verified Here is the summary with 274,700 new cavities in France, including 25,792 that have been verified End of 2024 Grottocenter gives access to 120,812 cavities. The table with all the data is available HERE
Recent posts

The Henne Morte / Felix Trombe network on Grottocenter

A few months ago Sylvestre Clément gave his agreement for the work he did on the site to be archived on Grottocenter. This is now done and you can now enjoy, in a different way, the exceptional work he did on the Arbas massif and in particular on the Henne Morte / Félix Trombe network You can discover it here

Inventory of the caves of Isère

Gilbert Bohec (Biboc on Grottocenter), has just done an important work to complete, verify, correct, the inventory of the caves of Isère on Grottocenter. Whenever possible he provided a link to a bibliographic resource to verify and complete the information. Today the inventory of the caves of Isère on Grottocenter includes 2852 caves and 1577 caves are documented for the Vercors massif Thank you for this remarkable work

This is the YouTube channel of the Wikicaves association. You will find 7 short videos made by Florence to present how to use the BBS on Grottocenter. In a few days you will also be able to know the history of the BBS, discover the available documentation as well as the platform to request new features or report a bug

Clickable URLs on Grottocenter

URLs are now clickable on Grottocenter. This makes it easier to access external resources. Thanks to Vincent for this new feature

Participate in Syphonia 2024, remotely

Three members of the Wikicaves association (Ayoub, Stefan and Frédéric) will participate in the international conference organized within the framework of Syphonia 2024 If you wish to participate in this conference remotely, it is possible by following this link

UIS - Wikicaves Partnership

With the UIS Bbibliography and Informatic commissions and the Belgian associations Speleo J, UBS and the Namur speleology house, we have requested a grant from the UIS Bureau in order to set up tools to automate the exchange of data and files between speleology documentation centers. We have just received a favorable response, the UIS asking for its logo to be on the Grottocenter home page given its repeated support for Grottocenter. Vincent has just set up this logo which allows us to communicate on the solid and long-standing relations between the UIS and the Wikicaves association