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Showing posts from September, 2022

Protection of sensitive caves on Grottocenter

The UIS has just sent a letter to all the federations and to the delegates of each country to invite them to contact the Wikicaves association to set up a partnership so that we define together the data available to the federations which can be directly integrated into Grottocenter and those for which special protective measures must be taken  

Locate caves on Grottocenter

 On Grottocenter, the entry page has seen a new button appear. It allows you to visualize the position of the cave on OpenStreetMap. It's a way to invite you to improve the map so that it resembles the reality on the ground as much as possible.  

Video conferencia

   Ya está disponible el vídeo de la jornada organizada con motivo de Eurospeleo Forum  

Video Conferencia Grottocenter/BBS

En el marco del XIV Foro Eurospeleo 2022, únete a un taller en línea de Grottocenter y del Boletín Bibliográfico Espeleológico (BBS)!     Nos vemos el sábado 10 de septiembre a las 18h (hora de Burgos, España) via Zoom:   ID de reunión: 847 5120 4689 Código de acceso: 272983     Clément Ronzon, el creador del software, los invitará a contribuir de forma interactiva a la base de datos espeleológica, global y participativa.