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Showing posts from 2016

Speleo 2017

Don't miss The  17th International  Congress of Speleology . Speleo 2017   will be held  in  Sidney  from July  23 rd to  29 th   While IUS will offer  a very thorough scientific programme about research related to the underground world , caves and speleology  , the Australian Speleological Federation  (ASF) will offer quite a  number of  cave explorations . Make sure you  have a look at the congress website at   The next congress ,   Speleo  2021 , will be held in  4 years in France  and Wikicaves will be there !


Dear Delegates and all cavers,   You and all cavers from your country are invited to National Italian Caving Meeting that is being held under the patronage of the European Speleological Federation FSE. Please spread this message in your country and among all the cavers you know.     The Speleo Club Chieti, in collaboration with the Italian Speleological Society and the support of the Italian Alpine Club and the Majella National Park association, is organizing the national Italian Speleology Caving Meeting "STRISCIANDO-MAJELLA 2016" from October, 28th to November 1st, 2016. This event, for the first time in Abruzzo, is an 'important annual meeting of National caving”; it will take place at the Majella National Park and will be attended by about 3000 cavers from all Italian regions and abroad. During the event there will be meetings, conferences, debates, screenings, guided trips all over the Park, scientific reports, national and expl

New horizons !

 Grottocenter is expanding its horizon through its partnership with IUS !  Some national federations are  joining the project  . Is your federation next ? How about  using Grottocenter to  inform cavers around the world about coming events in your  country ? Make sure you  contact us about future cave related events  or conventions in your area or your country  The Grottocenter team 

Grottocenter Contest

Grottocenter will soon have its own sticker ! Make sure  you  get one How ? By taking part in a little contest. We are giving away  100 stickers to the first contestants Who will  either: ·          enter  2 new cave topographies (validated after  copyrights  have been checked ) ·          or complete  5 cave data sheets of any caves already existing  in the Grottocenter database ·          or enter 10 new caves in the database …. and of course , make sure you  give us a valid Email address and postal address  to receive our brand new and shiny sticker This offer will  be limited to the first 100 eligible contributors !! Good luck and happy caving ;-) The Grottocenter team   .

What can you find on Grottocenter ?

Entrance location and coordinates , a description of the cave entrance , rigging sheets, cave maps , history , bibliography , links and contacts , and comments left by fellow cavers

Why join Wikicaves? Why use Grottocenter?

The Wikicaves & Grottocenter goals and philosophy   We all agree that caving clubs and agencies managing data related to caves face the same difficulties. That’s why Wikicaves was created. It seems to make sense to have ONE tool common to all cavers in order to avoid the multiplication of the projects requiring each team to spend much time and efforts. This is why working together will help the whole caving community develop the most appropriate solutions. Why join Wikicaves? Why use Grottocenter? Hwo does the Wikicave work for you and your federation or association ? When we sign a partnership, in return for your providing data , we take care of its digitalization and integration in the database. We have already done this it for a number clubs and individual cavers in France, Germany and Switzerland as well as over 5800 caves in Asia, the equivalent of 6 volumes of 100 pages on the African continent. We have already over 50,000 caves in the data base covering more tha