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Showing posts from February, 2018


Mountaineering Caving Club ’’Dvig’’ in collaboration with the Speleological Committee of the Mountaineering Association of Serbia organize an international caving expedition on Suva planina mt. (Serbia) in the period from 9th to 19th August. It is our special pleasure to invite you to take part in our expedition. Suva planina Mountain is located near the city of Niš. It is the highest limestone mountain in the Carpathian-Balkan region of Eastern Serbia, the highest peak being Trem, 1808 a.s.l. The central area of the mountain is a karst plateau called Valožje, at altitudes from 1400-1700m, which contains various forms of underground and surface mountain karst. The average depth of the underground karst caves is from 50 to 100m, and there are vertical caves with occasional or permanent ice and snow. So far, more than 40 speleological objects, predominantly vertical caves, have been recorded in the wider area of Suva planina. Most objects were explored only in morphological terms. ...

A caving book for children

A caving book for children ? Kids don’t always like reading, so how about a book about caving ,  mystery  and environmental issues ?  Check out    The Mystery of Black Water Cave , by Dr. Kevin Stafford and Lisa Majkowski  available on the National Cave and Karst Research Institute  website: