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Showing posts from May, 2017

Cave data management on Grottocenter V3

Visitors can search and access information on the caves available on Grottocenter.   Some caves are  under specific provisions imposed by a legal authority, which may restrict access to some types of  information and possibly also to the cave itself. All users can carry out all operations on the range of information available on Grottocenter, except that data subjected to the specific provisions as mentioned above in article 1 The administrators of Grottocenter (the board of Directors of the Wikicaves association) can sign agreements with partner organizations. The partner organizations will be sent information on modifications carried out on the caves according to a predefined criterion (area, club, etc.). These agreements  may include specific measures aiming to restrict access to some information. These restrictions will need to be specifically motivated. Contributors can display a ‘ Restrictions ’ window  regarding  access to a cave. A new field is then acti