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Speleoteca: the great Italian library

When you are looking for documents concerning Italy you can find many references on the SSI Speleoteca website Numerous article analyzes have been carried out within the framework of the BBS and are accessible on Grottocenter which is linked on the Speleoteca home page
Recent posts

UIS symbols collection

Work is underway to give you access, on an ISU server, to all the symbols defined by the International Speleology Union. Discover the symbols used to describe surface phenomena

CDS du Gard reviews

The CDS du Gard has just made available the journals it has published since its creation.   They constitute 4 collections which are accessible in the BBS Spéléogard documents/224067 Bulletin du Comité départemental de spéléologie du Gard (CDS 30) documents/21660 Bulletin de la Fédération spéléologique du Gard documents/21636 Infogard documents/224069  

Participate in the AGM of the Wikicaves association

  The Wikicaves association will hold its AGM from April 22 to 28. If you are interested in receiving the emails that will be exchanged during this general meeting, let us know by sending us a message    

“BD Cavités” on Grottocenter

    The elements of the “BD Cavités”, a database created by the BRGM, have just been integrated into Grottocenter. Several thousand entries enrich the database “created by cavers for cavers”. Grottocenter has already exceeded 102,000 entrances and cavities.   For various historical reasons, the coordinates of these entries, proposed by the BRGM, are not always very precise. Everyone, in their area of interest, will be able to improve these locations and also complete the encyclopedic sections, as well as the associated documents. Everyone's work will benefit everyone.

100,000 caves on Grottocenter

  Grottocenter gives you free access to more than 100,000 caves. This is just the beginning, thanks to your commitment this figure is changing every day

Major evolution of the BBS on Grottocenter

  All analyzes carried out for issues 27 to 55 of the BBS were integrated into the BBS on Grottocenter, whenever possible the articles were associated with their journal and their collection.   Vincent has just published a very large work which constitutes version 24.0 of Grottocenter. It was made possible thanks to funding provided by the SSS A first part consists of updating all the libraries used The creation of documents has been moved to the entity creation menu and this is done in a single window without going through different steps The management of details has been improved, for example the link of a document to a massif is done from the massif page The information in the documents page has been reorganized to have a more condensed, more readable whole. The associated license is displayed and it is directly possible to view the image, PDF, sound or video files. An important element concerns the relationship to geographical entities. Previously we associated BBS docu