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Showing posts from December, 2018

International caving Expedition - SPELEO LAOS 2019

The Speleology Club "Z" organizes a new caving   expedition in Laos, between February 14 and 4 March, 2019. They are inviting   keen cavers ,   mountaineers, photographers, climbers and biologists to join them Explorations will be in Kammouane and Bolikhamsay counties. The main objectives of the expedition are exploration and mapping  the large Pha Soung system (21,012 m development in 2018) and Tham Nam Kouan Moo Yo (1,684,1 m already mapped in 2018), Tham Dan Makhia (2,026,0 /2018), Tham Kammatan (exploration on 1.5 km and no map in 2016-2018) , Tham Lom Yan (941 m length /2018). Near Nahin locality will be explored and mapped several limestone cliffs hiding a lot of labyrinthical caves. In Bolikhamsay will explore Pha Hong mountain, a 35 km long and up to 4.7 km wide highland plateau. In this plateau is hiding perhaps the deepest pothole and cave of Laos. It only waits to be discovered.... Contact:

Caving expeditions in Central Asia

THE FOUNDATION FOR THE PRESERVATION AND EXPLORATION OF CAVES, in Kyrgyzstan is  conducting a series of research expeditions throughout Central Asia. There are hardly  any  active cavers in Kyrgyzstan. Therefore, they are eager to  cooperate with cavers from other countries. They are  inviting dedicated cavers to take part in their caving projects in 2019  Here is their webpage: