Hello Karstlink members and fans, We finally have fixed our online meeting, the date will be: Saturday, May 2nd, 9 am western Europe summertime (UTM+2) You will find early descriptions of the project here: - http://uisic.uis-speleo.org/ exchange/karstlink/ (main web page) - http://uisic.uis-speleo.org/ wiki/karstlink/ (wiki) - https://docs.google.com/ presentation/d/ 14xz1t76MqrsOysH4yKl4rpy_ eeOlXekBZL04dlV-y0M/edit# slide=id.p (early presentation slides) and here are the slides I will be using as a lead for the meeting: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ lmj0n2pv5sf5hlh/KarstLink%20-% 20en%20-%2020avril2020.pdf?dl= 0 See you on Saterday "morning" ! Eric Conference info: Participant link: meet.google.com/kdh-tqcu-bfb · Jusqu'à 250 participants If you do not have a computer with a microphone (and optionally a camera), you can use the phone access: From France +33 ...
The Wiki database made by cavers for cavers.