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Take part in the General Assembly of the Wikicaves association


Take part in the General Assembly of the Wikicaves association

The Wikicaves association publishes the site which allows information to be shared on the underground environment.

It invites you to participate in its general meeting which will be held from April 16 to 23, remotely by exchange of emails, with a conference on Thursday April 20 at 9 p.m. (Paris time)

This will be an opportunity to find out how it works, who is involved in the project, how it is financed, etc.

You will also be able to give your opinion on the priorities concerning the features you expect for 2024. If you want to participate, to get involved, it will also be possible to discuss with all the people who contribute in 1000 different ways.

To participate in the general assembly of the Wikicaves association, tell us by sending a message with your email address from this form

See you soon.


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