The Dictionary Sub-commission's Glossary Project has now published Stage 1 of its UIS Cave and Karst Glossary, English version. This is the initial stage of what is planned to become a significant multi-lingual multi-discipline speleo glossary. And it will at last provide definitions for the bare terms in the Cavers Multi-lingual Dictionary.
In due course we will be calling for help with improvements, new terms, further languages, and further karst disciplines. You can keep in touch and/or participate in the project via its forum on the "cavedata" board.
Project background:
Peter Matthews
Glossary Project Leader
Loris and Dino, 5th year students at Polytech Montpellier, decided to work on a new version of the Grottocenter Mobile application for their project. At the end of February you will be able to use it in French or English, take photos and view the documents associated with the entries, and make sketches. We also hope that they will be able to offer a version for IOS.