Dear caving friends,
As you probably already know, Grottocenter
V2 becomes Grottocenter
V3 with your help.
Indeed, dozens
of you have already supported our project through our
participatory fundraising campaign on Kisskissbankbank.
One month ends so fast and today the period is coming to finish: we
are entering the last week of collection.
So if a new and beautiful World Cavities Wiki is an idea that
appeals to you, join us and spread the word: mail, shout, write,
post, tweet, drum, smoke signals!
It has to be heard all the way to the bottom of the "Gouffre
Berger", it has to make tremble the walls of the "La Verna" room!
See you in a week's time for the review and thanks again to all of
So, to finish a last little drawing for the pleasure.