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Major evolution of the BBS on Grottocenter


All analyzes carried out for issues 27 to 55 of the BBS were integrated into the BBS on Grottocenter, whenever possible the articles were associated with their journal and their collection.
Vincent has just published a very large work which constitutes version 24.0 of Grottocenter. It was made possible thanks to funding provided by the SSS

A first part consists of updating all the libraries used

The creation of documents has been moved to the entity creation menu and this is done in a single window without going through different steps

The management of details has been improved, for example the link of a document to a massif is done from the massif page

The information in the documents page has been reorganized to have a more condensed, more readable whole. The associated license is displayed and it is directly possible to view the image, PDF, sound or video files.

An important element concerns the relationship to geographical entities. Previously we associated BBS documents with BBS regions which could be countries or regions, which sometimes no longer existed. 
Now you will be able to associate documents with a country or a defined region by its ISO code. All information on the BBS regions has been transformed into the corresponding ISO code. 

Some small bugs which had been reported have been taken into account. 

Thank you very much Vincent for this very nice work

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